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Control system design & control panels

Control cabinets fail for many reasons. However, root cause analysis regularly traces the fault back to three things: poor initial design, poor manufacturing build, or an absence of factory testing before delivery.

That’s why at AutomateIT, our experienced, in-house engineering team takes a rigorous, standards-led approach to control panel architecture definition, design, manufacture and testing. Every panel and system is designed to provide high-performance from the outset, and be scalable well into the future.

Benefit from a quality, standards-based approach

We design and manufacture control cabinets and systems to meet all recognized UL standards for higher levels of performance. That means they:

  • Are designed and engineered to stringently adhere to appropriate UL standards
  • Arrive having been factory tested and certified for production use
  • Come correctly labelled for fast component identification

The anatomy of UL 508A designed control panel

Every component in the panel is labelled and label syntax make sense

Generous panel sizing and component spacing

The control panel design incorporates the right type and the right amount of wireway

Component groups laid out in logical functional manner

Our control system capabilities

Plantwide architecture

We design with a view to the big picture, accounting for existing systems and future objectives so you get performance, cost-control and scalability.

Control panel design

We can do single-button stations or complex custom jobs requiring dozens or hundreds of cabinets.

Safety first

UL-compliant design necessarily prioritizes user and plant safety, streamlining processes while also removing hazards and meeting global safety standards.

Technician services

Our technicians and engineers operate on-site to provide field commissioning services and are all trained in UL508 assembly practices.