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Smart Manufacturing Roadmap Workshop

The AutomateIT Smart Manufacturing Roadmap Workshop is designed to answer the most critical questions facing your plant and operations and then provide a detailed list of recommendations for improving productivity across the plant.

The Smart Manufacturing Workshop consists of visual observations and motion analysis to trace the typical flow of products through your plant to answer these three critical questions.

  1. What is your ideal process: people flow, materials flow, technology and data management flow?
  2. How will you get there (what changes to IT, OT, automation, monitoring, data collection, and reporting are needed to maximize business profitability and control costs)?
  3. What will the financial and productivity improvement benefits be (and how soon will you see results)?

The Smart Manufacturing Workshop takes approximately 6 hours of total time. This time is split between a plant walkthrough, boardroom discussion and presentation of findings. It is recommended the following personnel engage in all (or part) of the walkthrough and boardroom briefings.

  • IT/OT administrator
  • Plant controller
  • Head of engineering / operations
  • Chief Financial Officer

The Workshop Process 

Phase One: Plant Walkthrough

The day begins with a plant walkthrough, observing the manufacturing process and asking observation-based questions. Nine key focus areas will be addressed across your Receive, Make/Build, Validate, Package and Ship processes.

Phase Two: Boardroom Discussion

A summary of the preliminary findings will be shared after the walkthrough. The discussion will be led via a three-step process: 1) Observation 2) Business Impact 3) Recommendation. Attending team members will be encouraged to prioritize actions based on the greatest contribution to plant performance.

Phase Three: Presentation of Findings

We will coordinate a Presentation of Findings session with your key executives. Together we’ll explore the implication of the findings gathered in the walkthrough and boardroom discussion with particular attention on the productivity and reporting improvements identified as delivering the greatest immediate gains.

We Guarantee Results.

Based on more than 50 years’ combined team member experience, we are confident in our ability to identify value. We fully refund the cost o four Plant Productivity Walkthrough if we are not able to show a client how to do at least one of the following:

  1. Automation and technology led productivity improvements.
  2. Data capture, flow and reporting improvements for real-time monitoring and analysis.
  3. Calculable operational efficiency improvements

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