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Six Steps to Digital Transformation Success

The manufacturing industry is experiencing a significant shift towards digital transformation. Embracing Industry 4.0 and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) has become imperative for manufacturers to stay competitive and drive operational efficiency. However, navigating this transformation requires a strategic approach to maximize long-term success.

In this blog, we outline six essential steps for effectively implementing digital transformation in manufacturing.

From setting clear business goals to fostering organizational buy-in and leveraging the right technology partners, these steps are the key signposts to a successful digital transformation journey.

By following these steps, companies can harness the power of emerging and established digital technologies to optimize processes, improve productivity, and ultimately, transform their factories into connected plants.

Determine your business goals.


Determine your business goals. Don’t get caught up in the hype of IIoT technology; focus on the specific benefits like measuring machine health.

Define success. 


Define success.  Link your goals to specific metrics and KPIs. Remember, you can’t manage what you don’t measure.

Create a plan.


Create a plan. You don’t have to perform a “Big Bang” implementation, start small and align to your business, find a partner that can guide you along your journey

Get organizational buy-in.


Get organizational buy-in. Engage all of the right decision makers and stakeholders to ensure approval and alignment.



Implement. Align with a partner and solution that will transform your factories into connected plants.           

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Repeat. Think of IIoT technology as part of your DNA, not a one-off project. Follow up is essential for continued success!

If this has got you thinking, we suggest taking two steps.

First, Rockwell has recently produced a 38-page report on the state of manufacturing — a global view of today’s challenges and tomorrow’s opportunities to harness technology for greater resiliency, agility, and sustainability. Download a copy and see why modern manufacturers must invest in technology to mitigate risks, open-up new opportunities, and remain competitive.

Instantly download a PDF copy right here. It’s free.

Plus you can reach out to us and see how AutomateIT can help you future proof your business with Smart Manufacturing Solutions.